Course - - Summer 2024

MMFL Singing Retreat on Madeline Island: Aug 5-9

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Music for Life Singing Retreat on Madeline Island
Our 5-day retreat will offer the opportunity to explore your own instrument – your voice – in a serene and uplifting environment. Enjoy the escape to a slower pace of life on Madeline Island, and take time to focus on your vocal development in a supportive setting with encouragement from both professional teaching artists and peers.
“I learned I could be more brave about solo singing and that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t participate.” – 2023 participant Marijo H.
“I can’t believe what you can accomplish SO FAST, it’s amazing! A lot of beauty in the community.” – 2023 participant Janet
“I had such a good time! What I’m really amazed at is just the human opening of everybody here.” – 2023 participant Chris G.
Throughout the course of the retreat, there will be sessions that focus on individual vocal pedagogy, small ensembles and large group singing. Participants are also encouraged (but not required) to prepare and bring a solo they would like to workshop during the vocal masterclass sessions. Music will be provided for group numbers.
Participants should have previous performance experience singing as a solo artist or as a member of an ensemble.
Music & Meditation
Start your day with some gentle stretching, breathing and vocal exercises to gently awaken and rejuvenate body, mind and spirit.
Vocal Masterclass
Focusing on solo repertoire, participants will have the opportunity to receive feedback from instructors and learn from fellow students in a supportive, non-threatening environment. Be prepared for laughter and fun as we push the envelope exploring singing and vocal delivery, preparation and emotional interpretation to deliver a memorable performance that will convey the meaning of the music through integrated performance practice.
“I’m glad I tried. I’d like to do it again, be a little more brave the next time.” – 2023 participant Margo A.
Ensemble Singing
Under the direction of the teaching artists, participants will join together to explore ensemble singing. Employing a skillset different than solo singing, we will delve into the elements of ensemble – listening, blending, and working together. Experience the joy of making music together and being part of a musical community.
“Supportive. Community. Fun!” – 2023 participant Judie F.
Private Coaching Sessions
Each participant is invited to sign up for one 20-minute private coaching session with one instructor throughout the course of the week. Sessions will be available during the independent practice times allocated in the daily schedule.
Beyond the Music
New this year we have built in opportunities to take advantage of the unique setting of Madeline Island! A boat cruise to explore the Apostle Islands, a bus tour around Madeline Island and an end-of-week dinner overlooking the lake will allow participants the chance to partake in the natural beauty and serenity of the setting. Take advantage of this time to refresh your soul and connect with nature. This social time also allows for camaraderie with fellow participants and teaching artists in an informal social setting.
“Absolutely delicious social and environmental opportunity for all of us.” – 2023 participant Jerry Q.
For our culminating event, we will present a program of solo and ensemble works in an informal presentation to a live audience, sharing the work that we’ve done during the course of the retreat.
Boarding is available in the MacPhail on Madeline Island lodges. These buildings feature screened porches, lounges, and kitchenettes. Dorm rooms are shared between two students (limited private rooms may be available for an additional fee) and are equipped with shelving, wardrobes, and air conditioning. Lodges feature two levels – the second floor is accessible by stairway only, so please note any mobility limitations upon registration. Communal bathrooms on each floor have shared sinks outside the restroom area, and a walk-in shower, sink and toilet that are housed in a separate room that is secured with a door.
Please note that there are 3 separate locations for activities. Dorms & practice rooms/small ensemble spaces are grouped together in one location, and the dining hall and performance space are in separate locations. Transportation is required between the various sites as they are not within walking distance of one another. Basic shuttle service will be provided for those who elect not to drive.
All Inclusive (includes instruction, excursions, food & housing)= $1,500
Commuter Rate (includes instruction & final celebration dinner) = $1,000
Companion Rate (includes excursions, food & housing) = $1,050
Optional Private Dorm Room (limited availability) = additional fee of $200
**PLEASE NOTE: Participants are responsible for their own transportation to & from the institute (including the fee for the ferry).
A transportation package will be available for purchase for those who prefer or are unable to drive.
Registration Deadlines
Early Bird Discount if registered by April 1.
Final deadline June 1.
Cancellation Policy
A 100% refund will be issued if a written (or email) cancellation notice is issued prior to May 1, 2024. After the May 1, 2024 registration deadline, no refunds will be issued.

August 5-9 on Madeline Island

Course Details
Semester: Summer 2024
Starts: 2024-08-05
Ends: 2024-08-09
Age Range: 55+ years
Course Type: Course Package
Department: Music for Life
Program Method: MacPhail Music For Life 55+
Categories: Camps, 55+ Music for Life Offerings
Programs: MacPhail Music for Life, MacPhail on Madeline Island
Topic: Music Appreciation
Instrument: Voice
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