Course - Minneapolis - Summer 2025

Summer Sampler: June 30-July 3

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Kickstart your musical journey at MacPhail’s Summer Sampler Camp, where students explore the rudiments of music through engaging and interactive learning! Intended and perfect for beginners, this camp offers a hands-on introduction to a variety of instruments and musical skills.

Students will have the chance to explore piano, violin, ukulele, voice and/or percussion. Another engaging activity is the new Music and Movement activity, where students explore music and bodily movement in a fun, creative, and engaging way. Students will pick one instrument or activity for their morning block, a second for the afternoon block, and learn a song or two (or three!).

**Please note: instruments and activities are dependent on faculty availability for each camp; students and families will be notified in advance of the camp as to which instruments are available.

Each day is filled with engaging lessons, creative group activities, and opportunities to experiment with different instruments in a supportive environment. Campers will also participate in the end-of-camp performance to showcase their progress and celebrate their achievements for family, friends and adoring fans! Regardless of what instruments they play, all students learn a LOT and have a blast!

Join us for a week-long musical camp of discovery, where students build a love for music and take their first steps toward a lifelong journey of creativity and expression!

June 30- July 3: Monday-Thursday 9am-3:30pm

Mon, Jun 30, 20259:00 AM6.5 hours
Tue, Jul 1, 20259:00 AM6.5 hours
Wed, Jul 2, 20259:00 AM6.5 hours
Thu, Jul 3, 20259:00 AM6.5 hours
Course Details
Semester: Summer 2025
Register by: 2025-06-19
Starts: 2025-06-30
Ends: 2025-07-03
Location: Minneapolis
Age Range: 7 years - 11 years
Course Type: Camp
Department: Group Instruction
Program Method: Summer Camps
Category: Camps
Program: Camps
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