Master Classes

Mix of Mediums: Exploring Your Creativity with Brendan Slocumb Workshop

Date: Mon Oct 03 2022

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Room: Antonello Hall

Location: Minneapolis

No charge for participants

Are you a creative person who loves to express themselves? Are you curious about taking your creativity to new heights? Musician and writer Brendan Slocumb will guide participants in exploring different modes of expression, sharing his own experiences across creative mediums. Bring your own instrument, bring your own laptop or notebook – and most important, bring your own willingness to explore your own creative abilities! Learn about the intersections of music and writing, and have a chance to create something yourself. This event is in partnership with the Loft Literary Center.

Brendan Nicholaus Slocumb was born in Yuba City, California and was raised in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a degree in music education, concentrations on Violin and Viola. While at UNCG, Brendan was the concertmaster for the University Symphony orchestra and served as the principal violist. He performed with numerous small chamber ensembles, including flute and clarinet choirs, and in the BESK string quartet.

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