Composition Recital January 2022
Theme and Variation by Arthur Scott2
Dance by Arthur Scott2
Arthur Scott, piano
Busy Before the Storms by Truman Trumble1
Hope in Despair: The Silver Linking in the Cloud by Emma Lu1
Peace on Earth by Elisa Fowler1
The Storm Approaches by Karl Lexvold1
Karl Lexvold, piano
Flying Squirrels by Hans Schmalstieg1
Mistletoe Tango by Joe Bigalke1
Sarah Miller, piano
Waltz of the Kings by William Feng1
Cascades by Jean Levandowski1
Jean Levandowski, piano
Avalon by Keven Chen1
Atonement by Sharon Kaplan1
Sharon Kaplan, piano
Big Scary Fight by Nora Farley1
The Sheriff’s Been Shot! by Stephen Elsinger1
Stephen Elsinger, piano
Butterfly Cycle Premiere by Brock Nofsinger1
Scarlett Isabella Caffe, violin
Erin Fuzer, percussion
Gabriel Gilvary, saxophone
James Crossman, piano
Adrian Velez Villanueva, conductor
1From the Studio of Sarah Miller
2From the Studio of Irina Elkina