Vladimir Tsiper & the Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis
As part of MacPhail’s Concerto & Aria competition, Vladimir Tsiper, was selected to perform with the Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis.
Vladimir Tsiper is a 9th grader at Breck school. He has been studying with Lucinda Marvin at the MacPhail Center for Music since the first grade. For the last two years he also takes lessons from Yulia Ziskel of New York Philharmonic. At MacPhail Vladimir also studies composition with Sarah Miller. He participates in MYS Symphony orchestra and Artaria Chamber Music School. He has won many prizes at competitions such as Thursday Musical, the Mary West Solo Competition, the Golden Valley Concerto Competition, the MacPhail Concerto/Aria Competition, and the YPSCA competition. Last year, Vladimir won second prize at the MMTA Composition Contest and third prize at the Sherer International Violin Competition. His most recent major performance was on October 3rd, 2021, with the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra. Aside from music, Vladimir enjoys downhill skiing, climbing, and theater. He likes traveling, especially visiting the tallest buildings in the world.
Vladimir is super excited to be playing with the Minneapolis Civic Orchestra in May. He is very thankful to his teacher, Lucinda Marvin, for suggesting to him to play Khatchaturian Violin concerto – He LOVES this piece!
“I feel truly honored to represent MacPhail students in playing with such a great symphony orchestra. I am very much looking forward to collaborating with them!
Playing the Khachaturian Violin concerto is a dream come true. I love its bright, bold, and striking nature, unusual harmonies and colorful contrasts.”
Vladimir Tsiper