Fodé Bangoura
Born in Conakry, Guinea, Fodé Bangoura has been recognized internationally for his work as the lead drummer with the acclaimed ensembles “Les Merveilles de Guinée”. A protege of the late, Mohamed Kemoko Sano, Fodé is now one of the most respected and sought-after drummers of his generation. Teaching and performing in Japan, China, Europe and across the U.S., Fode brings a unique energy and electricity to audiences around the world. He has toured with some of the biggest names in African music such as Sekouba Bambino and Sekouba Kandia Kouyate. In 2007 Fode was honored to have a featured spot on MTV during the celebration of Black History Month and performed at the prestigious Apollo Theater in a Tribute to Bob Marley. In 2007 Fodé Cofounded Duniya Drum & Dance Company and began the Fakoly Dance and Drum Project, an annual drum and dance conference held in Minneapolis, MN giving students the opportunity to study and perform with the best of the best in Guinea drum and dance. Fode continues to search for new ways to share his unique art form with others and to bring his rich culture to the world.