Pride Playlist by Rainbow Space

Pride Playlist by Rainbow Space

What is Rainbow Space? Led and founded by Kallysta Morgan, MacPhail Student Services Representative, Rainbow Space embodies MacPhail Center for Music’s mission by offering the surrounding LGBTQIA+ community and allies …

The Space Where Words Fail: Asha Belk

This season’s MacPhail’s Spotlight Series joins important visual artists with our accomplished musicians in special performances. Our culminating performance brings the narrative photographer Asha Belk to Antonello Hall on Saturday, …

Engaging in Self-Care

It seems that everyday, we are inundated with tragic or disturbing news. The intensity continues to grow. We carry so much stress and anxiety from our own lived experiences it …

Teens Find Confidence with Music

MacPhail Northside Youth Orchestra The laughter’s free, the smiles, and so is participation in the MacPhail Northside Youth Orchestra (MNYO). For 5 years now, the orchestra has graced venue stages …

Garrett McQueen

Bassoonist | Composer | Radio Host | Producer Twitter Garrett McQueen is an active advocate for diversity in classical music. A proud native of Memphis, TN, Garrett McQueen has performed in venues …

Bluegrass Rhapsody with Poet Anthony Ceballos

As music genres go, bluegrass is all its own. Its melodies and messages spring from a particular soil: the hardscrabble land of rural Appalachia. The poet Anthony Ceballos hails from …

Blooming in the Desert

By Sue Ruby As educators and performers, many of us lack exposure to and knowledge of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) composers. Even before the pandemic and death of George …

Alternatives to Problematic Children’s Songs

The Sing Play Learn department at MacPhail Center for Music has been busy revamping parts of our curricula for the last couple of years. Our goal was to research the origins of the songs …

Community Pride Award from Lavender Magazine

Timothy De Prey, Director of Individual Instruction, is the recipient of a Community Pride Award from Lavender Magazine. Timothy believes that “through music, one can create change, justice, tolerance and …

Recognizing Juneteenth at MacPhail

with JD & Fred Steele Each year on Juneteenth, MacPhail will pause to reflect how the monstrous chapter of American slavery has deeply harmed so many over hundreds of years and celebrate …

A More Excellent Way

Remembering George Floyd, Today we remember an all too familiar pain, but we keep moving forward. We fight to create a better nation than our mothers and fathers, their mothers …

Garden of the Righteous Documentary

MacPhail Center for Music, in partnership with the East Side Freedom Library and Heyde Center for the Arts and Mabel Tainter Memorial Theater in conjunction with Unitarian Society of Menomonie, …

Black History Playlist

with Mikalia Bradberry Hello my name is Mikalia Bradberry and Happy Black History Month! I’m so glad to be able to share some works with you that are near and …

LISTEN! PLEASE! A Documentary by J.D. Steele

Please note: This film contains brief instances of adult language. In a year when the pain and injustice of systemic racism has once again placed our city and our nation …

Talking About Race

What we believe and how we talk about race is of the utmost importance. The National Museum of African American History & Culture asks How do we teach such challenging subject …

Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books

Representation matters – it’s important and affirming for kids to see characters who look like them and the people in their families in the books they read. It’s equally important …

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