The Story of a Young Boy and His Ukulele

During the pandemic, as was the case with so many children, one of our young students (we will call him O) missed starting pre-kindergarten. O spent weekdays with his grandparents while his parents worked.
Finally, this summer, O was able to start a pre-K program. But many days he was anxious and didn’t want to go.
O’s teacher noticed a Ukulele in his bag on Tuesdays (his MacPhail day). Eventually, the teacher asked him if he’d like to play it. O started off by explaining his ukulele and then played a small concert for them. He went home feeling proud.
Next, the teacher asked him to play for a younger group of students. Again, he explained his instrument and then performed. O went home again– proud, and happy.
The connection that O has created with his schoolmates has helped him feel more enthusiastic and relaxed about school. O has even started playing for an older woman through a phone visiting program at SouthEast Seniors, and she looks forwards to their visits.
O started at MacPhail with early childhood music classes in the Sing Play Learn with MacPhail® program and is now a ukulele student of Jean Seils.
His mother and uncle were MacPhail kids –enjoying Musical Trolley and then taking violin and classical guitar. And, his cousins from Hudson, Wisconsin took Sing Play Learn classes. Now, one plays ukulele, and one plays the drums.
We are very proud of our young musicians, especially when they use music to connect with the people in their communities.
Bravo O!